Sunday 24 July 2011

UK's 'first electric highway' announced

A few days after UK charging infrastructure company Chargemaster announced it will provide 4,000 charging points across 100 towns and cities in the UK by the end of 2012, UK green electricity supplier Ecotricity have announced Britain's 'first electric highway'.

In a deal reported in today's Sunday Times, Ecotricity have linked up with motorway service station chain Welcome Break. Under the terms of the deal, Ecotricity will provide fast and normal charging stations at 14 Welcome Break service stations, linking London in the south with Exeter in the west and Edinburgh in the north. 

It is understood that the electricity will be free if drivers use an Ecotrcity swipe card, although no details are available yet on how to obtain one.

The network will be extended to 27 sites within the next 18 months.