Friday 22 July 2011

Nissan Leaf US EV customer profile data

According to autobloggreen, Nissan in the US have released selected customer profile data, based on the 4,000 + owners so far.

No surprises, but interesting to see that the profile and usage is broadly similar to the early adopters of G-Wiz in London back in 2004 - 2006 - even though the Leaf costs three times more than the G-Wiz and is a much more sophisticated vehicle:

The Leaf is their primary vehicle for day to day use. Although they own other cars, most commonly the Prius (19%), their electric car is the one they choose to use on a daily basis.

Owners are college educated with a household income of US$140,000.

95% of Leafs purchased are the high spec Leaf SL.

Leaf owners drive less than 60 miles per day.

60% of sales are in California, predominantly LA and SF.

Half of the initial deposits (52%) translated into sales (presumably due to speculators hoping that demand would exceed supply).