Recently the Department of Energy's "Workplace Charging Challenge" survey of employers that offer workplace charging, revealed that:
1. Employees that were offered charging at work are 20 times more likely to drive a Plugin Electric Vehicle, than employees that don't have charging available.
2. The survey also showed that 80% of these employers offered this as a benefit to retain and attract a talented modern workforce, by not charging their employees.
I call this "Level Free Charging".
According to the US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation(2014)
1. 78% of commuters drive 20 miles or less to work, so replenishing this amount of electricity is consistent and equals the cost of a cup of coffee in the break-room. This is the same for other places workers will park, such as airports and hotels.
A typical U.S. electricity cost is $0.10/kWh.
The Nissan Leaf goes about 80 miles with a 24 kWh battery.
Therefore, 20 miles uses about 6 kWh.
The energy cost to recoup 20 miles is about 60 cents:
6 kWh x $0.10/kWh = $0.60
This means that companies don't need to install $5000, higher powered, faster, communicating chargers with service contracts and transaction fees for their own employees that will be predictably parked there for more that 4 hours. The lower power also minimizes panel upgrades and is more "grid friendly".
Almost all grants and incentives, from DOE, Energy Commissions, State Air Resource Boards, as well as LEED credits, that are created to "advance EV Adoption", have required networking and higher-amperage level 2 chargers. It is time to correct this oversight. We should use the tax payer's money more efficiently and effectively.
1. Employees that were offered charging at work are 20 times more likely to drive a Plugin Electric Vehicle, than employees that don't have charging available.
2. The survey also showed that 80% of these employers offered this as a benefit to retain and attract a talented modern workforce, by not charging their employees.
I call this "Level Free Charging".
According to the US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation(2014)
1. 78% of commuters drive 20 miles or less to work, so replenishing this amount of electricity is consistent and equals the cost of a cup of coffee in the break-room. This is the same for other places workers will park, such as airports and hotels.
A typical U.S. electricity cost is $0.10/kWh.
The Nissan Leaf goes about 80 miles with a 24 kWh battery.
Therefore, 20 miles uses about 6 kWh.
The energy cost to recoup 20 miles is about 60 cents:
6 kWh x $0.10/kWh = $0.60
This means that companies don't need to install $5000, higher powered, faster, communicating chargers with service contracts and transaction fees for their own employees that will be predictably parked there for more that 4 hours. The lower power also minimizes panel upgrades and is more "grid friendly".
Almost all grants and incentives, from DOE, Energy Commissions, State Air Resource Boards, as well as LEED credits, that are created to "advance EV Adoption", have required networking and higher-amperage level 2 chargers. It is time to correct this oversight. We should use the tax payer's money more efficiently and effectively.
Many willing companies, like Melink Corporation, (pictured with 10 L1's) that are considering workplace charging, are getting discouraged by these industry practices. Simple level 1 chargers or the lower powered Level 2, like the Telefonix PowerPostEVSE product line, with the only patented cord reel technology actually factory installed and enclosed in the pedestal, is a simple, safe and practical solution at less than 1/3 of the cost. The result: more available chargers for the same amount of money. This would benefit the local auto dealers as there would be more people ready to buy a plugin vehicle. As well as more clean air for everyone!
“An analysis by Plug In America suggests that the least expensive Level 1 chargers are the best use of company resources, because most employees won’t be moving their cars during the normal work day and a Level 1 charger can replenish most if not all EV batteries in that time. An additional consideration is that if each EV has its own Level 1 unit, employees will not need to leave their work place to move their car during the day.
Level 2 chargers are roughly twice as fast as Level 1 equipment, but that extra speed may be unnecessary during a typical workday”.. Published Jan. 29, 2015 News/Media Website
If the mainstream employer is expected to ever join the EV adoption campaign we need to make this "sustainable business", more SUSTAINABLE.
Thanks for driving electric,
Bill Williams, via LinedIn
“An analysis by Plug In America suggests that the least expensive Level 1 chargers are the best use of company resources, because most employees won’t be moving their cars during the normal work day and a Level 1 charger can replenish most if not all EV batteries in that time. An additional consideration is that if each EV has its own Level 1 unit, employees will not need to leave their work place to move their car during the day.
Level 2 chargers are roughly twice as fast as Level 1 equipment, but that extra speed may be unnecessary during a typical workday”.. Published Jan. 29, 2015 News/Media Website
If the mainstream employer is expected to ever join the EV adoption campaign we need to make this "sustainable business", more SUSTAINABLE.
Thanks for driving electric,
Bill Williams, via LinedIn